Beat the Christmas Bulge
Don’t let overeating get the best of you these holidays. Make this year the year you don’t have to loosen your belt. Here are a few tips to help you avoid gaining those extra kilos over the holiday season.
• Try to maintain your current weight, don’t go on a mission to lose weight.
• Watch the amount of food you eat. Keep your portions small. Use a side plate instead of a dinner plate.
• Don’t go to a party hungry, eat a healthy snack before you go out to avoid snacking on high calorie party food.
• Enjoy the vegetable sticks, hummus, tzatziki, avo dips, sushi and quiches.
• Limit the chips, pies, sausage rolls, chocolates, cakes and creamy dips.
• Try to limit your alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks a day. If you do drink more, alternate one alcoholic drink with one non-alcoholic drink.
• Get into a 30 minute a day routine for exercise, even if it’s just walking.
• Set yourself an exercise challenge for 2017.
Most of all, enjoy the holidays, eat responsibly, don’t drink and drive . . . arrive alive.