West Coast Flowers are Back
It’s that time of the year again when the beautiful Weskus flowers start to show off. Time to pack the supplies, hiking shoes and camera and head up the West Coast roads. It’s reported it’s going to be one of the best flower showcases in years.

Tips for Viewing Flowers
• The flowers are open between 11:00 and 15:00, the warmest part of the day
• The sun must be out for flowers to open, thus rainy or overcast days are not ideal
• The day temperature must be at least 18 degrees
• Flowers face the sun, thus for viewing and pictures keep your back to the sun
• Get out of the car and walk around, don’t miss the special smaller species
• Tread lightly, don’t unnecessarily trample plants, and never pick flowers or bulbs
• Long pants and insect repellent when walking around in the field
• Comfortable shoes
• Try to book your accommodation in advance
• The Weskus Flower Hotline is available from 08:00 to 20:00, 7 days a week
• Most towns along the flower routes have fuel stations, ATMs and mobile reception
• The further north, the further apart the towns, keep in mind when planning
• Stop and ask locals for advice on flower hot spots, distances, etc – they’re friendly
• Namakwa/Weskus flower maps are available at all tourist information offices
Call the flower line at 079 9864 593 to find out where you can see flowers or visit www.weskustourism.org for more information about the region.
You could always get in touch with Namakwa Tours who will gladly assist you with your West Coast Flower experience by showing you their favourite spots.