Marine Drive Bridge repairs to affect Traffic into Town
Within the next two weeks, repair work will start on the Marine Drive link bridge over FW de Klerk Boulevard in Woodstock. The project is scheduled to continue for five months and will affect traffic from Table View and surrounds into the City.
A number of roads will be affected during the repair work, including FW de Klerk Boulevard and Woodstock and Marine Drives. Given that Marine Drive bridge is the main feeder route across FW de Klerk Boulevard, suburbs on the north Atlantic Seaboard will be affected, i.e. Milnerton, Table View, Bloubergstrand, Parklands and Melkbosstrand.

‘The bridge is an important link for commuters proceeding along Marine Drive from Bloubergstrand and Parklands towards the city bowl. Also, it is an important link to the container terminal in the harbour for heavy container trucks driving westbound along Table Bay Boulevard (N1). Given the importance of the link, the substantial traffic flow over the bridge, and the deterioration of the bridge structure over the years, the repair work cannot be avoided or delayed,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Area North, Councillor Suzette Little.
Marine Drive traffic approaching the bridge will experience some backup, including at the intersection of the east- and westbound lanes from Marine Drive to FW de Klerk Boulevard.
‘We do not foresee any road closures or stop/go systems. However, deviations down to two lanes or even one lane may be required while the contractor is erecting gantries, but this will be done during off-peak hours. The objective will be to limit the disruption of traffic and inconvenience as far as possible,’ said Councillor Little.
Lanes on FW de Klerk Boulevard will be regulated in accordance with the standard specifications governing such activities on national roads. This will only be done during a short window period when the scaffold is being erected.
‘We thank motorists in advance for their patience during this period. The repaired bridge will have stronger and safer balustrades and public safety will be much improved,’ said Councillor Little.