New Numberplates on the Cards
Although no official roll out date has been pinned, rumour has it the new numberplate system is set to come into effect towards the end of this year. This forms part of the Department of Transport’s strategy to standardise number plates in South Africa.
The new numberplates will be emobossed on an aluminium plate and coated with a retro-reflective surface. The SA National Flag will appear on the top left corner with the name of the province under the flag. Numberplates will conatin a four-dimensional barcode with a QR code that contains the registration number of the manufacturer of the number plates including a certified stamp of approval from the SABS. The name of the province where the vehicle is registered, licence number and licence mark of the province and a sequence number will also appear on the bottom left.

Much like renewing your driver’s licence every five years, you will now also have to renew your number plate every five years. Different colours for letters and figures will be used to differentiate between types of vehicles: Personal vehicles will be blue, public transport vehicles black, Government vehicles will be red and diplomatic vehicles in green.
Personalised numberplates will still be allowed but may not contain any vulgar or offensive language or symbols.
Whether or not this new system comes into play, at least we have an idea of what to expect.
NEW NUMBERPLATES FOR SOUTH AFRICA from News, Accidents, Robberies & Inc on Vimeo.