
MyCiTi Service Suspended

The MyCiTi service will be suspended as from midnight on Wednesday 18 April 2018 until further notice. No MyCiTi buses will be operating and commuters are requested to make alternative arrangements.

This is due to a nationwide strike action affecting the entire South African bus industry.

There will be no MyCiTi trunk or feeder services available as from Wednesday morning, for as long as the strike and lock-out continue.

“I am therefore calling on private businesses in Cape Town to consider implementing flexible working hours or remote working arrangements for employees where possible and practical for the duration of the strike action, said Councillor Herron.

Apart from the call on private businesses to manage their employees’ working hours and flexibility during this time, the City is also requesting residents to consider alternative travel arrangements.

It is unclear how long the strike and lock-out will continue. The City will carefully monitor the situation and will provide commuters with updates as far as possible.

Commuters are also advised to visit the MyCiTi website on for regular updates or to phone the Transport Information Centre on 0800 65 64 63 – the TIC is available 24/7.

Read the full press release here.

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