
Great turnout for Moonlight Dog Walk

Over 100 dogs and their families took to the track at Killarney International Raceway on Friday 2 March for the first Moonlight Dog Walk in order to raise funds for the Cape Animal Welfare Forum.

dog walk

The Forum is an umbrella body of registered animal welfare organisations established in 2012, which is recognised by the City of Cape Town and supported annually via City funded Mass Animal Sterilisation campaigns.

The Forum has 35 member organisations ranging from the Cape of Good Hope SPCA to Beauty Without Cruelty and Cart Horse Protection Association.

Dog walk
The Forum’s Patron, JP Smith from the City of Cape Town opened the event and joined in the walk.

You will be happy to hear there will be more Moonlight Dog Walks in the future hosted at Killarney, we will keep you posted.


For more information you can email the Forum on


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