District Six
This year Elkanah House High School is proud to present District Six – the musical. A home-grown classic.
District Six, the musical, was written in 1987 by Taliep Petersen and David Kramer; but, because of Apartheid laws, only opened in theatres in 2002. District Six was considered a crime-ridden slum by the Apartheid government and, in 1966, declared a “white-only” area. The residents reflected a multi-cultural, musical and artistic diversity that co-existed in District Six in the 1960’s. This moving story tells the tale of these people.
The storyline revolves around a love triangle that forms, made worse by the race relationships that ruled the time. This drama unfolds amidst the plight of the District Six residents as they are forced to move from the only home and community they have ever known, to the stark and unfriendly Cape Flats. Despite the turmoil, the spirit and humour of the residents shine in this heartfelt drama.
This cast of 55 teenagers, all singing acting and dancing to a live orchestra with and bright and beautiful sets and costumes will provide a foot-tapping night out. The production runs from Friday 4th May to Saturday 12th May at Theatre@Elkanah at 19h00, and a matinee show on the 12th May at 14h00. Please note that parental guidance is advised with younger children. The Schoolyard Café will be open for a pre-show dinner from 17h30 or pre-ordered for the interval.