
Keep Kool and Learn Portuguese

The bold and unquenchable hunger that drove Portugal to set sail and attempt to colonize the world is what enabled the Portuguese language to grow roots from South America through Africa, all the way to Asia. Over more than 215 million speak the language as natives from Goa to Angola, Macau to Guinea-Bissau.

KOOL (KEEN ON LANGUAGES) is a language-learning school at the Portuguese Club in Rugby, set up to bring the Portuguese language to eager learners via qualified and enthusiastic professionals.

They aim to create a vibrant and stimulating environment where anyone from the ages of 3 to 100 can feel motivated and eager to learn one of the Romance languages. All levels are welcome and pricing is dependent on the age of the student, their aptitude with the language, the amount of lessons requested per week as well as whether or not the student forms part of the group at the local Portuguese Club or whether they prefer private lessons from home.

If you’ve ever wanted to read and contemplate the great works of Camões or to delve into the mind of Pessoa then take up the opportunity to learn a language rich in phonetic sounds and timeless words that carry profound weight and meaning in a singular phrase.

Or if you just plan to visit a country where Portuguese is widely spoken and you’d like to mingle with the locals and order your favourite dish then make it a goal this year to master this rich, dynamic language.

Register now and get 30% off on the enrolment fee!

Call Mena for more information 076 044 94 22.

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