EnvironmentHeadlinesPublic Announcement

Restoration of the historic Wooden Bridge

The Wooden Bridge located between Marine Drive and Woodbridge Island, crossing the Diep River estuary is a declared Provincial Heritage Site. Restoration of the bridge is required so that it can once again be used for its intended purpose as a pedestrian bridge.


A design which retains the current form, materiality and detail of the bridge has been prepared by Transport for Cape Town who is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the bridge. The restoration of the bridge will remain within the existing footprint of the bridge and is therefore not considered ‘development’ or ‘expansion’ in terms of the 2014 EIA Regulations and Listing Notices. The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning has indicated that Environmental Authorisation is not required.


A public meeting will be held to provide information on the bridge restoration. All are invited to attend this public meeting within which you will be afforded an opportunity to provide input to the project proposal, and obtain information from the project team.


Venue: Milnerton Library, Pienaar Road
Date: 14 June 2016
Time: 17h00 to 18h00 – Information Display
18h00 to 20h00 – Project Presentation and Question and Answer Session

For more information contact:
The Environmental Partnership
Tel: 021 422 0999, Fax: 021 422 0998
E-mail: info@enviropart.co.za

One thought on “Restoration of the historic Wooden Bridge

  • To who it may concern

    See that we live in a Big City, the Wooden Brige face is a Big Picture to Out-line to what we got.
    And if we can keep it in a Good Condition that will be nice of SA.

    Kind Regards

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