Resurfacing of Garden Drive in Sunningdale
The City of Cape Town advises the public of roadworks on Garden Drive between Sunningdale Drive and Link Drive, Sunningdale. This work forms part of regular maintenance to prolong the longevity of the city’s road network. Work is planned to take place from Monday, 31 July 2023, until Friday, 11 August 2023, between 07:30 and 17:30, Monday to Saturday. Residents can expect some noise during this time.
The resurfacing work comprises selected patching of the existing asphalt surfacing to a depth of 150mm including the removal of existing premixed asphalt surfacing and replacing it with a new 50mm thick asphalt-surfacing layer on Garden Drive in Sunningdale, between Sunningdale Drive and Link Road.
Traffic moving in both directions will be affected and congestion is expected and there will be partial road closures. Traffic accommodation in the form of Stop-and-Go will be utilised to facilitate traffic flow. It is recommended that road users consider alternative routes.
‘Affected residents will have access to their properties at all times and temporary deviations will be arranged should the need arise. Our aim in doing this resurfacing work is to improve the road safety conditions and decrease vehicle user costs. I would like to thank all affected road users for their patience over the next two weeks,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Mobility, Councillor Rob Quintas.
For additional information, please call the Transport Information Centre (toll-free 24/7) on 0800 65 64 63 or email