
Cheaper MyCiTi Bus Fares

It’s good news for MyCiTi commuters who will benefit from reduced fares as from Wednesday, 1st July.

Although the cost of a myconnect card and replacement cards will remain the same, commuters will benefit from reduced fares for Mover points in peak and off-peak travelling. Monthly passes will be reduced from R850 to R790 a month.

There will also be a reduction in the 1, 3 and 7 day passes and distance based decreases on standard fares.

“We are grateful to be able to give MyCiTi commuters much needed financial relief. With the reduction in fares for the new financial year, MyCiTi commuters will travel for less while we are bracing for the financial impact of Covid-19. The reduction is possible due to fuel prices dropping significantly due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Mayor Dan Plato

For more information visit the MyCiTi bus website by clicking here.

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