Will Sir Richard Branson be joining the Kitesurfers?
Rumour has it Sir Richard Branson may be joining the kitesurfers next weekend 29 – 31 January. Why not, it’s a sport very close to his heart. He’s kitesurfed with a naked woman on his back and he holds the “world record for the most people riding a kitesurf board.” Who knew?
“I am most happy when I am kitesurfing – give me a kite and a board and you won’t wipe the smile off my face.”
353 Participants are needed to break the Guinness World Record. With our beaches being one of the world hotspots for kitesurfing, this should be a walk in the park. Get on down to the beachfront between Dolphin Beach and Doodles next weekend and show your support.
The first Virgin Kitesurfing Armada was lead off by Sir Richard Branson in 2013 in the UK, setting a new Guinness World Record for ‘The Largest Parade of Kitesurfers’ and raising over R1 Million for charity. This year the SAVE Foundation in Cape Town is one of the chosen charities to benefit from the event.
Click here for more information on the event