
Sunset Rendezvous

There are few things that are truly unique, one-of-a-kind in this world – fingerprints, a single snowflake and a sunset sinking under a Blouberg horizon to name those few.

Perhaps it is the fleeting nature of a sunset that captures us for those few minutes. We’re enthralled by the brilliance of the red, gold, purple or pink strewn across the sky and in that singular moment there is such a peace and calm that you couldn’t find in any self-help book or guru den.

People from Table View and the surrounding areas start to arrive a little after 6:00pm and either sit quietly, meditatively in their cars or stroll by the fringe where shore meets sea. We all have our reasons for being there – maybe you’re burned out from a busy week and just need that warm final glow of the day, or you’re skimming the silver surface along with many other kiteboarders caught up in the rush of the strong winds so common to our area. Or like me, you’re enjoying a brisk walk with your four-legged, furry friend and thinking about life.

The problem for many is we’re just so busy, we don’t take the time out to really make the most of the fact that we’re just minutes away from the beach and from a one-of-a-kind sunset each day. There are others who could count on one hand how often they’ve been to the beach to catch the sun before it goes down. Life gets in the way of life.

One of the great things about where we live is that we’re not holed up in a citadel of a grey, bustling city or lost in a cookie-cutter suburban maze; most of us are just around the corner to one of nature’s grandest theatrical pieces – a sunset.


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