Starke Ayres Cannabis Growing Kits
Over the past year Starke Ayres has been inundated with clients wanting to purchase Cannabis Growing Kits to make their own growing mediums with little to no success.
As Cannabis seed is readily available online and bought for medicinal consumption, Starke Ayres adopted the position of engaging with the best specialists available to produce a solution for the demand.
Starke Ayres created a growing kit that provides the correct growing mediums for seedling, vegetative and flowering Cannabis and includes a growing guide along with fertiliser and growth stimulants used by professionals across the world.
The Growing Kit has 3 stages:
Stage1 – Seedling Phase
(Seed to 10cm high seedling)
2x Biodegradable Pots
250g Enriched Specialised Seedling mix
Stage 2 – Vegetative Phase
(Seedling to approx. 30cm high plant)
2x 19cm pots
1x 7,5 litre Enriched Specialised Vegetative Mix
1x bottle of
1x 500ml spray bottle with a syringe for measuring for application of the above
Stage 3 – Flowering / Budding Phase
(30cm high plant to maturity/harvest)
2x 30cm pots
1x 15 litre Enriched Specialised Flowering Mix
1x bottle of
Cost of Kit (Phase 1 and 2 all-inclusive R 449 excluding seed BUT containing the essential
Cost of Kit (Phase 3 pots and Mix R 380 excluding
Starke Ayres does not sell Cannabis plants or seeds, only Growing Kits. Prices for individual items are available in store or check on the web site.

As a Gardening institution nationally, Starke Ayres has provided professional solutions to gardeners for the past 142 years, in magazines, written media, radio and through their two garden centres in Rosebank and Sunningdale, Cape Town.