Public Announcement

Roadworks R27 – 19th January 2016

Roadworks will be taking place on the intersection of Otto du Plessis Drive (R27) with Bay Beach Avenue in Sunset Beach on the 19th of January 2016 due to asphalt surfacing works required.

Traffic will be accommodated through lane merging and intersection closures. Please note that delays are expected and road users are encouraged to make use of Ocean Way intersection as an alternative access. All roads and intersections will be fully opened to traffic at 6am for the morning peak period.

The safety and convenience of the travelling public are of utmost importance and every effort will be made to ensure that all temporary road signs, cones, flagmen and speed
controls are maintained and are effective, and that courtesy is extended to the public at all times.

The public is requested to be vigilant and exercise caution when using the road.


Source: City of Cape Town

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