Picnic on Blaauwberg Hill
Get the walking shoes out, grab the camera, sunscreen and hat and enjoy a picnic lunch on Blaauwberg Hill this Saturday, 15th October.
Friends of Blaauwberg Conservation Area (FoBCA) have put this Heritage Walk and Talk together where you will be treated to a keynote speaker and then walk up Blaauwberg Hill and enjoy a picnic, along with epic views.

Published author, Professor John Parkington, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Cape Town is the keynote speaker who will give a presentation to introduce his book “First People, ancestors of the San”. Available for purchase at R180.00, cash only.
A casual walk up Blaauwberg Hill to enjoy spectacular views of two World Heritage sites – Table Mountain and Robben Island. Envisage the land traversed by the first people, San and Khoi.
Those who can’t walk up may take the short drive up on the restored Military track to the summit.
The event is free for members of the FoBCA. New members can join at the event, otherwise gate fee of R30.
Meet at the Environmental Education Cabin at Eerste Steen Resort, Big Bay at 9.30am.
It’s advisable to book your space via email chair@bca.org.za or call 071 671 9552.
Would be nice to know what date it is?
This Saturday, 15th October!