
Online Payments for Warrants

The City of Cape Town’s Traffic Service now allows motorists with fines that have progressed to warrants of arrest to finalise these warrants online.

Motorists have always been able to finalise warrants without appearing in court, but that required sending a cheque to the Traffic Service via the postal service or taking time off work to visit a few selected locations to make payments.

Since mid-April, the Traffic Service has been testing the online payment of warrants on the www.paycity.co.za platform. Motorists can register on the website, click on ‘view and pay your fine’ and find a list of all outstanding fines, including those in warrant status.

An admission of guilt form will pop up which the offender must accept and agree to and only then will they be able to complete the payment process. Upon payment, a receipt as well as a warrant recall form will be emailed directly to them.

The warrant recall form will allow the motorist to perform transactions on eNaTIS, like renewing their vehicle licence. It will also serve as proof that the warrant has been revoked in the event that they are stopped at a roadblock.

Members of the public can also contact the Cape Town Traffic Service directly on 021 444 3310/11/12 or 13 to ensure that the Admin Mark is removed from their names on the eNaTIS system.

‘This is a massive step towards increased service delivery and makes things a lot more convenient for offenders who are trying to do the right thing by paying their fines, including those residing outside of Cape Town. We will be sending out SMS and email reminders to motorists with outstanding warrants to further publicise this service, so I encourage them to make use of it and avoid any unpleasant surprises when they are stopped at a roadblock or tracked down by our traffic officers,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security; and Social Services, Alderman JP Smith.

Issued by: Media Office, City of Cape Town

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