Level 3 Water Restrictions
It seems likely that Level 3 water restrictions will be implemented from 1 November, 2016. Dam levels are critically low and future forecasts don’t look too pretty.
The City of Cape Town will decide today on whether or not to implement Level 3 water restrictions. Cape Town did not achieve the required 10% reduction in water use over the past year and if we continue to use water as we did on Level 2 the dams are at risk of dropping to 15% by the end of summer.
Level 3 water restrictions means your tariffs will increase. No more hosepipes, you will have to use a watering can to water the garden. Manual topping up of pools will be allowed only if your pool has a cover, no sprinkler systems or play pools. Lose the hosepipe and pick up a bucket to wash your car.
Water may flow more slowly from taps as the water distribution pressure will be reduced. There may be periodic adjustments to the water system causing the water clarity and taste to change. All water will be safe to drink.
Time to get water wise. Buy plants that can handle a drought. Take a shower instead of a bath. If you do bath, use the water for the garden. Check taps have no leaks, install water saving devices, don’t leave the water running when you brush your teeth or shaving . . .
Whether Level 3 is implemented or not, its clear we need to save water and be prepared for these regulations.