KFC Summer Kitesurf Series
This Saturday 15 December, the kite industry will demo their 2019 ranges at Kite Beach, Table View kicking off the KFC Summer Kitesurf Series along with SAKA (South African Kitesurfing Association).
Head on down between 9 am and 3 pm to test out the gear.

SAKA is pleased to have #KFCBlouberg onboard as a sponsor to the upcoming kitesurfing season but
The KFC Add Hope Programme has been dedicated to fighting injustices like childhood hunger since 2009. Add Hope provides nutritious meals to over 120 000 children from 11 national and 132 local beneficiaries across SA every day, raising just over R492 000 000 for the cause.
Home of Hope is based in Tableview and is one of those beneficiaries that are supported by the Add Hope initiative. Home of Hope was founded in August 2005 by Eleanor Brook, who inspired by her faith and having experienced life in a children’s home herself, wanted to harness her experience to provide support for other children in need of care. Home of Hope takes care of children in a single residence foster home, provides education to children with special needs and helps them to become productive and responsible members of the community.
SAKA has set a goal to raise R25 000 for the Home of Hope during the course of the season. We call on the assistance of the kiting community – a portion of all SAKA memberships as well as entry fees will go towards reaching this goal and contributing to this worthy cause.
Sign up as a SAKA member at the event:
• only R300
• 3rd party liability (till 31 Oct 2019)
• Limited KFC Summer Kitesurf Series T-shirt
• KFC Streetwise 2 meal
• Portion donated to Add Hope Foundation