Done and dusted, King of the Air
Some extreme kitesurfing went down at Big Bay last Sunday with Aaron Hadlow, last years winner of the Red Bull King of the Air taking the title again. The conditions were perfect for the competition with the South-Easter pumping, waves roaring and kitesurfers on top form.

Crowds packed down to Big Bay to watch these Kings of the Air perform. The vibe was electric. Tough choice for the judges as clearly Kevin Langeree was the favourite to win, it all comes down to the maths at the end of the day.
The semi-finals were dramatic with the second semi-final put on hold. Both Lasse Walker from the Netherlands and British Lewis Crathern were involved in a crash and admitted to hospital. Lasse Walker is doing well and thanked Kevin Langeree for coming to his aid. Big thumbs up to the Big Bay Lifesavers too!
Lewis Crathern – Photo source: Ydwer Van der Heide / Red Bull Content Pool
News is still out there on Lewis Crathern who is believed to be in an induced coma. The camaraderie and sportsmanship these kitesurfers showed is admirable and well wishes continue to flow in for the speedy recovery of Lewis Crathern.
Next year’s event will no doubt be just as packed with entertainment and action.