Catch or Release the Fundy Lobster?
A fisherman in the Bay of Fundy, Canada caught this massive lobster. Social media is going haywire hoping this probably 200+ year old male lobster has been released back into the ocean. The Fundy Lobster is said not to be edible in any case as he’s too old and too tough to eat.

Fun facts on lobsters that will shell shock you.
1. They can grow to be over 200.
2. They are cannibalistic so if they need fresh food they will eat one another.
3. It takes around 16 months before the female eggs hatch, she can have up to 12 000 eggs from multiple fathers.
4. Lobsters taste with their legs and chew with their stomachs.
5. They can’t process pain, neither do they have vocal chords. If you hear a noise while cooking your lobster, it’s trapped air in the stomach that’s being forced through the mouth.
6. One claw can exert pressure of up to 45kgs per square inch.
7. They can regenerate limbs. May take around 5 years but they can accomplish this.
8. Losbster shells were once used to make golf balls, the idea of a professor from Maine University, they only reached 70 of the distance of a regular golf ball.