
Botanical Walk

Join the CREW (Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers) team on a walk on the Botanical Coastal Dune Trail, starting at Eerste Steen on Saturday, 4th May.

Experts will show you the interesting species along this route, how they co-exist, are pollinated, defend themselves against predators, and survive in this typical Cape Flats Dune Strandveld vegetation.

Botanical Walk Scenery Cape Flats Strandveld

You will for instance see Phylica ericoides in the family Rhamnaceae or common name ‘Hardeblaar’ (in the Event picture). Read more about this plant at http://pza.sanbi.org/phylica-ericoides. Come and enjoy its wonderful very distinct honey smell with us!

Contact Petra Broddle at petrabroddle@yahoo.com if you want to join on the day.


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