Beach Access points closed in Milnerton
The Recreation and Parks Department has temporarily closed off two slipways that provide access to Milnerton beach, one of which is normally used for boat launches and the other which serves as an access point for service delivery vehicles.
Following a storm surge at Milnerton Beach that caused severe erosion to the coastal infrastructure, the City’s coastal management team has fenced off damaged slipways while they conduct an assessment of the damage and costing for the redesign and repair of the affected beach access points.

The Milnerton Lifesaving Club boat access ramp (currently used for lifesaving and emergencies only), the service access ramp and the promenade have been the most severely affected. In the interest of public safety, residents and visitors to the area are advised to keep away from the cordoned-off areas.
The beach will remain open to the public and visitors are advised to use the concrete stairs on the promenade to gain access to the beach.