
Gardening – What to do in August

Spring gardens are planted in Winter, here are some hints and tips from the garden experts at Starke Ayres.

• Feed nutrient deficient lemon trees (yellowing of the leaf) with Magnesium Sulphate and Trelmix. Lemon trees should be fed quarterly with a slow release organic fertilizer high in nitrogen such as Gorganic liquid fertilizer or fertiliser tablets.

• August is the last chance to spray roses with Lime Sulphur (1:10 ratio) before spring leaves bursts. Spraying timeously will knock down any disease or fungal outbreak. Apply Lime Sulphur on a cloudy day or do it early in the morning before the sun hits the Roses. Application of Lime Sulphur on a very hot sunny day may result in burning of foliage.

• Prepare beds for summer planting – add lots of Compost and Gold Dust, to enrich the soil. Use Plant it discs to boost root development of your veggies and flowers and it also helps to reduce transplant shock.

• Control broadleaf weeds in lawns emerging in spring with Makhro Home & Garden MCPA or Super Lawnweeder and for those paved driveways, Glyphogan. The application on both of these should be done on windless days and preferably in the late morning or early afternoon. For convenience select a ready to use (RTU) bottle, NO MORE WEEDS for those paved areas.

• Start sowing summer seeds early in seed trays and choose varieties such as Patty Pans, Butternut, Cucumber, Beans, Brinjal, Baby Squash, Chillies and Sweet Basil and in protected areas.


• Feed indigenous plants, Protea’s and Pincushions with Kirstenbosch endorsed Atlantic General All Purpose Fertiliser and plant with prescribed Arnelia potting soil.

• This is snail season – protect newly planted seedlings by sprinkling some Ferramol or Kombat Snail bait in close proximity to new as well as established plantings.

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