12 Shopping Tips for Covid19
We’ve compiled a few tips for you to consider when you venture out for your next shop.
- There is no need to panic-buy. Limit shopping trips to once a week. This reduces the risk of contracting the disease or spreading it to others.
- Make a comprehensive shopping list before your shop that will last you a week.
- Make good use of your freezer to store perishable items.
- Be aware of the control measures in place by supermarkets.
- Clean and sanitise your hands before you enter and when you leave the store. Sanitise your trolley or basket. Take your own sanitiser just in case.
- Maintain a 2m social distance rule in-store, with staff and other shoppers.
- Avoid contact with surfaces as much as possible.
- Make sure you buy things you know you will use to avoid food wastage and stockpiling.
- Use the same hand to pick up produce and sanitise your hands after leaving the supermarket. Wash and sanitise your hands again once home.
- Designate a disinfected area to sort your shopping. Remove outer food packaging and discard. Wipe all tins and hard surface packs using a paper towel and warm soapy water or sanitiser.
- Pack away your shop, wipe down the fridge, cupboard handles and surfaces with sanitiser or warm soapy water using a paper towel and discard.
- Wash your hands again after you have finished packing away your shop.
Stay safe and healthy.