Gardening in August
As we ease into spring, the gardening experts at Starke Ayres give us some sound advice as to what to do in your garden this August.
• Bees are responsible for much of the food on your plate. Bees perform a task that is vital to the survival of agriculture. In fact, one-third of our global food supply is pollinated by bees. Support our SAVING THE BEES initiative this coming season and plant our Bee Favourite seed or visit us for some plants the bees will love. (Lavender, Borage, Stattice, Alyssum and many more) Look out for signs in our nursery for more options.
• Control weeds in driveways and paved areas with Glyphogan, Wipe Out or Round Up. The application of them all should be done on windless days and preferably in the late morning.
• Start sowing summer seeds early in trays and choose varieties such as Patty Pans, Butternut, Beans, Brinjal, Squash, Chillies and Sweet Basil and germinate them in protected areas in some Palm peat and feed with a water-soluble fertiliser such as Nutrifeed, Sea Secret or Nitrosol. Transplant seedlings with Culterra organic seedling food and protect them against cutworm by applying some Kombat Cutworm bait.
• Feed nutrient deficient lemon trees (yellowing of the leaf ) with Magnesium Sulphate and Trelmix. Lemon trees should be fed quarterly with a slow release organic fertiliser high in nitrogen such as Talborne 6:3:4 pellets.
• Plant trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals in holes well prepared with water retaining Zeolite, Compost, Vermiculite and Bonemeal. In the months ahead, water retaining agents will extend the periods between watering. Zeolite is a very effective soil enhancer, consisting of fully natural minerals is 100 % Organic and will save 50 % of water applied to trees, plants and lawns.
• Plant more indigenous plants in your garden. Agapanthus is one variety that won’t let you down. Now available at both branches are special varieties such as Zambezi, Queen Mom, Buccanneer, Twister, Giant White and Fairy. Transplant with Multi Kelp organic plant food. Made from kelp fortified with micro-nutrients in a carbohydrate chelated form. Seaweed is a broad spectrum fertiliser that is rich in beneficial trace minerals and hormones that stimulate plant growth and root formation.
• Clivia’s are another magnificent indigenous option for shady patches in the garden. Clivia’s prefer a slightly acidic soil and a mulch layer with acid compost to lower the soil ph. To encourage prolific blooms, apply Starke Ayres Organic 3:1:5, high in Potassium. The biggest gremlin is the lily borer, a black caterpillar with yellow bands. They tunnel into the leaves and can burrow down into the core of the Clivia’’s. Drench plants immediately with Kombat Cypermethrin.
Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday – 08h00 to 18h00
Saturday – 08h00 to 17h00
Sunday and Public Holidays – 09h00 to 16h00
West Coast Village Shopping Centre, Sandown Road, Sunningdale, Cape Town