15m Whale Washes up on Sunset Beach
A 15m whale carcass washed up on Sunset Beach in Milnerton on the morning of 15th May 2017. The City’s Coastal Management team removed the 15m long Brydes whale carcass speedily. The public were urged to stay away in order for officials to carry out the removal safely. The carcass is said to weigh somewhere around 15 tons. It is reported the carcass was taken to the landfill at Vissershok.
‘While such occurrences tend to draw curious onlookers, from a safety perspective we urge members of the public to please keep away to allow the officials on site to do what needs to be done,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Area North, Councillor Suzette Little.

The Bryde’s whale (pronounced “broo-dess”), is named after Johan Bryde who helped build the first whaling factory in Durban, South Africa in 1909.