Tina Cowley Reading Centre


Tina Cowley Reading Centre in Flamingo Vlei work on reading skills, spelling, reading and comprehension. One class a week of 90 minutes in English and Afrikaans. Lots of fun, group activities and a computer assisted reading program. We also give study courses from Gr 4 – 12.

Does your child have a learning disability?

We do a scientific test of your child’s reading, therefore we know how to address the problem. We work systematically, refer problems outside our field to occupational and speech therapists as well as psychologists. We address all the basic skills of reading. Our results are the guarantee! We guarantee an 8% to as high as 40% improvement in a student’s average performance at school. When the “tool of life” = READING, is on standard, we conduct study courses, in order to assist the students to use their “tool” correctly!



Ottilie 021 556 3771 / 084 517 6808

12 Jamieson Street, Flamingo Vlei, Table View 7441



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